Færsluflokkur: Bloggar
13.10.2014 | 09:40
In English me and my class worked together in groups. The project was about animals. We chose our animals and my group chose the Giant panda because the they are so cute and also if you are against Pond is man against black people, white people, vegetarians and Asian. I learned alot about pandas like that there are only (approximately) 1000 Pandas left in the world. But I learned not only about the pandas, but also I learned how to put pictures into glogster as backgrounds and post pictures and videos into there too. It surprised me what pandas eat much more than just bamboo like fish, eggs, yams, shrub leaves, oranges and bananas. This was super fun to work especially because in my group was one of my best friends. I hope we can do this group thing again soon. And here is my glogster project!
Bloggar | Breytt 23.10.2014 kl. 10:32 | Slóð | Facebook | Athugasemdir (0)
1.9.2014 | 07:40
Fallhlíf er dúkur gerður úr léttu efni eins og silki eða næloni sem nýtist manni þegar stokkið er úr flugvél, fram af háum kletti eða fram af brú. Fallhlífin er brotin sérstaklega saman ofan í bakpoka þannig að þegar kippt er í spottann þá opnast hún. Fallhlífin dregur úr fallinu eftir að manneskjan hefur stokkið úr mikilli hæð. Fallhlífar eru líka oft notaðar til ad senda hjálpargögn til nauðstaddra. Elsta þekkta gerðin af fallhlíf var gerð árið 1420 af óþekktum Ítala. Árið 1595 hannaði maðurinn Fausto Veranzio fallhlífarhönnun sem hét "flying man" eða "the Man with an Angel's Blessing.
Svona virkar festingin inni í bakpokanum þegar maður togar í spottann.

Bloggar | Breytt s.d. kl. 18:47 | Slóð | Facebook | Athugasemdir (0)